ShanShangYouLei, XiaoGuo, JunZiYiXingGuoHuGong, SangGuoHuAi, YongGuoHuJian
There is thunder over the mountain, which is the phenomenon of hexagram XiaoGuo. Learn from this – it is good to be overly courteous, overly sad, and overly frugal.
Hexagram XiaoGou 小過 follows the typical hexagram pattern we have discussed, in which the first four words of its associated sentence from the DaXiang describe the pattern or phenomenon found within nature that best represents the hexagram. By now you are familiar with the structure of the sentence, which starts with the bottom hexagram. The first word 山 (Shan), which means mountain, is the symbol of the bottom trigram, Gen 艮 ☶.