LeiFeng Heng JunZiYiLiBuYiFang
雷風 恆 君子以立不易方
It is thundering and winding, which is the phenomenon of hexagram 恆 ䷟. Learn from this – uplifting yourself and don’t change your routine.
Significantly different from the sentence structure of most hexagrams in the DaXiang, this hexagram, Heng 恆 ䷟, uses only two Chinese words (instead of four) to describe the natural phenomenon that best represents the hexagram. Among all 56 non-JingGua 經卦 hexagrams, this is the simplest way to describe the symbolic structure of a hexagram. I believe this was a deliberate choice, as hexagram Heng represents the consistency and simplicity of the Dao. I will explain myself further as we delve into the spirit of the DaXiang sentence.